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Thank you for trusting me to create & deliver
Your Intuitive Life Journal.
This has been a passion project that lights my heart up like no other and
I'm eternally grateful for your support in making this idea a reality!

The intention of this life journal is to provide you with a comprehensive space to explore multiple resources while documenting your journey into loving your food, self, and life.


So often when we start to explore the impact food may have on how we feel, or when we find ourselves in a state of disease or “dis-ease”, food becomes the culprit of all ailments (mind, body, and/or soul). This, in turn, further encourages that food is the enemy, must be controlled, and becomes responsible for everything. This is a heavy burden we carry, and it can lead us to feel overwhelmed and uncertain how to nourish our bodies. However, we hold a powerful innate wisdom. 


There are three vital pillars within your journal to support your transition from being overwhelmed with food and body guilt to being completely awakened to all the love and joy waiting for you in your life. 


  •  Experience emotional awareness and regulation

  •  Develop deep self-compassionate eating and body gentleness

  • Reflect and reprogram your subconscious brain


Each one of these pillars alone are helpful, but the utilization of all three of these exceptional pillars together unlocks the evolution you are looking for. In this process, you will discover why every courageous client I have worked with has completely transformed their relationship with food and body when combining these powerful tools.

Your Intuitive Life Journal

SKU: 1111
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  • Your Intuitive Life Journal is a first of it's kind! And the most important thing to know is that it is more than just a journal.  In this 6x9, spiral bound notebook, not only will you find journal prompts, you will also find space to explore:

    • Vital resources for transformational success

    • Monthly calendar & task list spreads

    • Daily planner, along-side a self-care commitment list

    • Monthly & daily habit tracker, along with other pertinent trackers (ie lunar, bowels, etc).

    • Food & mood log to include hunger, fullness, & satisfaction

    • Daily intention & reflection space

    • And last but not least.... Guided journal prompts to allow for massive transformation in regards to relationship within food & body.

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